For a worry-free university year, it's important to plan your stay in France carefully. Estimating your budget is essential. Here are the main expense items to plan for. These figures are given as a guide only. In major cities, prices are often close to those in Paris.

Campus Bourses Scholarship Research Platform 

Campus France manages a searchable platform for scholarships available to international students in France. You can search by your field and your nationality on the platform Campus Bourses. Tip: We recommend searching in both French and in English, as some scholarship entries only appear in one language. 

Grants funded by the French Embassy in the UK

Master's level Entente cordiale scholarships:

This programme is a prestigious awards scheme that funds British postgraduate students who want to study in France. Funded by the French Embassy in London, the scheme provides funding for British students each year. Th scholarships are worth 850euros per month for a duration of 6 months.

Once they become an Entente Cordiale scholar, they become part of an influential alumni network, the Entente Cordiale Alumni Association, which already numbers over 300 members, and through which they will find strong career development opportunities.

Applicants have to be accepted in a training course leading to a Master’s level degree. The scholar-ship can not fund a credit mobility. Besides, online curricula are not eligible. The training pro-gramme has to be followed onsite.

Scientific high level visiting scholarships

The Higher Education, Research and Innovation Department (HERI) of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom allocates grants for young researchers (up to 5 years after thesis), PhD students or post-doctoral fellows, residing in the United Kingdom. The research stay will be in a French laboratory, within the framework of an existing collaboration. It will last between one and three months during the ongoing year. The call is open to all disciplines.

Conditions for the applicants:

Applicants must meet the following conditions:
1. Not to be of French nationality
2. Be involved in collaborative research between a British research team and a team from a French laboratory under the supervision of the CNRS.
3. Be in the process of obtaining a PhD or post-doctorate (within 5 years of obtaining the PhD) in the UK, in any discipline.
4. Be a research visitor to France during 2023 (the visit must end by 31 December 2023 at the latest). nb : The stay in France must be done in one go.


  • CV of the candidate applying to the grant

  • Description of the current collaboration between the British and French teams (2 pages maximum)

  • Presentation of the objective of the stay in France (specify the duration of funding requested: 1 to 3 months) and its contribution to the strengthening of the collaboration (2 pages maximum)

The net monthly grant for the researcher, allocated by the HERI Department, will be 1704 euros per month. Campus France in Paris will manage the scholarship.

Other Financial & Social Benefits

International students can apply with CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales - the Family Allowances Fund) to a public scheme that reduce the rent: Aide Personnalisée au Logement (APL - the personal accommodation assistance)

To find out if you qualify for any of this assistance, do a simulation on the CAF website. To meet one of the advisors, go to the CAF Facebook page dedicated to student accommodation.